
OL Weltcup Finale in Davos

DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 03.10.2022 - FLTR: Martin Regborn, Sweden (2nd), Kasper Harlem Fosser, Norway (1st), Gustav Bergman, Sweden (3rd), captured during the Price Giving Ceremony for the Over all World Cup Men 2022 at the EGK Orienteering World Cup
DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 03.10.2022 - FLTR: Martin Regborn, Sweden (2nd), Kasper Harlem Fosser, Norway (1st), Gustav Bergman, Sweden (3rd), captured during the Price Giving Ceremony for the Over all World Cup Men 2022 at the EGK Orienteering World Cup

Am ersten Oktober-Wochenende fand im Bündner Madrisa- und Wolfang-Gebiet, mitten in der Feriendestination Klosters-Davos, das Finale des OL-Weltcups der Saison 2022 statt. Für Ferien war es aber den Teilnehmenden, vor allem aber auch den Organisatoren, mit Event-Direktor Matthias Niggli an der Spitze, nie zu Mute: Der Staffelwettkampf auf Madrisa stand eine Zeit lang sogar auf der Kippe – dank weniger Schneefall als vorausgesagt, konnte er dennoch plangemäss stattfinden, leider aber fast vor Ausschluss von Zuschauern. Bei Nebel, Wind und Regen verloren sich nur die wirklich hartgesottenen OL-Fans sowie die Helfer im eigentlich wunderbaren Alpgebiet, nördlich von Klosters. Bei den Einzelwettkämpfen, die dann eher auf Davoser Seite stattfanden, war das Wetter deutlich besser und dank einer tollen Fernsehübertragung konnte einem breiten Publikum beste Werbung für hochstehenden Orientierungslauf-Sport gemacht werden. 


Rémy Steinegger, ein im Tessin wohnhafter Pressefotograf aus dem Raum Zürich, langjähriger Freund und Arbeiskollege, bat mich um Mithilfe bei der Dokumentation des Orienteering World Cup Final, quasi als Hauptprobe für die OL WM vom Sommer 2023 in Flims-Laax.

DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 02.10.2022 - Finish Area at Drusatscha Forest close to Davos lake , captured during the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final Davos Klosters.
DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 02.10.2022 - Finish Area at Drusatscha Forest close to Davos lake , captured during the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final Davos Klosters.

DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 01.10.2022 - Start to the Relay Men at the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final on Madrisa, Klosters, Switzerland.
DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 01.10.2022 - Start to the Relay Men at the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final on Madrisa, Klosters, Switzerland.

DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 01.10.2022 - Ana Defez Cernicharo, Spain 2 and Ylvi Kastner, Austria 1, captured during the Relay Women at the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final on Madrisa, Klosters, Switzerland.
DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 01.10.2022 - Ana Defez Cernicharo, Spain 2 and Ylvi Kastner, Austria 1, captured during the Relay Women at the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final on Madrisa, Klosters, Switzerland.

DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 01.10.2022 - Simona Aebersold, Switzerland 1, captured during the Relay Women at the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final on Madrisa, Klosters, Switzerland.
DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 01.10.2022 - Simona Aebersold, Switzerland 1, captured during the Relay Women at the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final on Madrisa, Klosters, Switzerland.

DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 02.10.2022 - camera care in early morning, captured during the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final Davos Klosters, Switzerland.
DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 02.10.2022 - camera care in early morning, captured during the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final Davos Klosters, Switzerland.

DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 02.10.2022 - Chloe Potter, Great Britain, captured during the Middle Distance Women at the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final in Hoehwald, Davos-Wolfgang, Switzerland.
DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 02.10.2022 - Chloe Potter, Great Britain, captured during the Middle Distance Women at the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final in Hoehwald, Davos-Wolfgang, Switzerland.

DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 02.10.2022 - Daniel Hubmann, Switzerland, captured during the Middle Distance Men at the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final in Hoehwald, Davos-Wolfgang, Switzerland.
DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 02.10.2022 - Daniel Hubmann, Switzerland, captured during the Middle Distance Men at the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final in Hoehwald, Davos-Wolfgang, Switzerland.

DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 03.10.2022 - Kasper Harlem Fosser, Norway, captured during the Long Distance Men at the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final in Hoehwald, Davos-Wolfgang, Switzerland.
DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 03.10.2022 - Kasper Harlem Fosser, Norway, Overall World Cup Leader 2022, captured during the Long Distance Men at the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final in Hoehwald, Davos-Wolfgang, Switzerland.

DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 02.10.2022 - FLTR standing: Daniel Hubmann, Florian Howald and Joey Hadorn (Switzerland 1, Winner of yesterdays Relay Men) and FLTR Elena Roos, Sabine Hauswirth and Simona Aebersold
DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 02.10.2022 - FLTR standing: Daniel Hubmann, Florian Howald and Joey Hadorn (Switzerland 1, Winner of yesterdays Relay Men) and FLTR Elena Roos, Sabine Hauswirth and Simona Aebersold

DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 03.10.2022 - Simona Aebersold, Switzerland (1st), captured during the Price Giving Ceremony for the Long Distance Women at the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final in Hoehwald, Davos-Wolfgang, Switzerland.
DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 03.10.2022 - Simona Aebersold, Switzerland (1st), captured during the Price Giving Ceremony for the Long Distance Women at the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final in Hoehwald, Davos-Wolfgang, Switzerland.

DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 01.10.2022 - Rèmy Steinegger, THE Swiss Orienteering photographer, captured during the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final on Madrisa, Klosters, Switzerland.
DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 01.10.2022 - Rèmy Steinegger, THE Swiss Orienteering photographer, captured during the EGK Orienteering World Cup Final on Madrisa, Klosters, Switzerland.


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Meine Empfehlung:  Manuela Bischof, Kommunikationsprofi, Organisationstalent und Event-Crack!
Meine Empfehlung: MANUELA BISCHOF - Kommunikationsprofi, Organisationstalent und Event-Crack!